The Trauma Recovery Institute

Co Creating a committed Passionate Relationship

When we meet our partners, we make an unconscious contract to help each other resolve emotional injuries of the past , we unconsciously pick or hire the perfect person to trigger this stored painful memory of our past , it is for this exact reason we have come together . Relationships are not a problem to be solved but an adventure to be embraced. Conflict is a gift to be unpacked , to embrace, an opportunity to grow , resolve and mature . Conflict can not be resolved at the level with which it was created. We hire the person in our life who is most compatible to help us resolve what is unresolved from our childhood. Our relationship lives in the space between us and it is sacred . This becomes the playground for our children . When there are only two options , take the third option ! Keep the space between you safe and sacred . Honour the space between you , by visiting the other by crossing the bridge . Cross the bridge with an open mind to learn , with curiosity and compassion , leave behind your hurt and trauma. Crossing the bridge is becoming completely present with your partner, listening without interruption, defensiveness or judgement, holding an unconditional space for your partner to share.

Beyond right thinking and Beyond wrong thinking there is a field , I will meet you there – This is the third option

Seven principles for conscious relationships
1. The relationship lives in the space between us.
2. The emotional charged part of your partner is the child in them trying to tell their story , allow each other to tell that story by crossing the bridge.
3. We are energy that can be positive and negative , be aware of this energy by not making the space toxic .
4. When our partners exhibits bewildering behaviour , it is a cry for help from the child within them , the behaviour is a protection , get to know each other’s cry for help .
5. The stretching principle is based on the idea that every frustration in the relationship is a gift to be unpacked. Thank your partner for this opportunity to grow.
6. Release joy into the relationship. Play, joy and fun are all essential agreedients for connection and repairing any disconnection in the relationship, it is also important to direct our passion into the relationship otherwise these passion will be redirected outside the relationship and we will begin to feel the relationship is no longer working.
7. Create a compelling dream together as a couple. Define the relationship, be specic about goals and plans short term and long term. when we are specific we deirect enegry towards attracting and achieving our dreams and goals.
The Ten Commandments for Committed Loving Relationships by Hedy Schleifer 
1 – Honor the Bridge: There is an invisible bridge that connects us to our partner, and this bridge allows us to visit them, and get to know them and “learn” them. Become bi-lingual by learning the language of your partner.
2 – Honor the Space: Our relationship lives in the “relational space” between us. It is like a garden whose soil we are tending. The space between us is the playground of our children. Keep the space sacred.
3 – Honor the Laboratory: Our relationship is a small “living laboratory” where two grownups, who are little children on the inside, can help each other become two mature adults. Carry a picture of your partner as a little child in your wallet.
4 – Honor the Differences: Do remember that “incompatibility” is a boost to your relationship! When two people are the same….one of them is superfluous. Embrace the differences.
5 – Honor the “Other”: Transform your point of view from: “The two of us are one…. and I’m the one!”, or “The two of us are one….and you are the one!” to “The two of us are two!” Each one of us is a unique individual on a joint journey towards relational maturity. Learn to become intelligent “in” your relationship.
6 – Honor the Safe Harbor: Create a safe harbor for your partner because when things are difficult, growth is trying to happen. Conflict is a friend! Whenever there is a conflict say: “A Conflict! What an opportunity!”
7 – Honor the Romance: Keep the fire going through romance: All day is foreplay. Gift your partner with at least 100 small gestures of love and caring every day. And remember to keep your relationship flourishing. There is a “Five to One” ratio of appreciations to criticisms.
8 – Honor the Gift of Frustrations: There is a 90-10 formula in any conflict: 10% of the energy of the current frustration comes from the present, and 90% of the frustration comes from the past, which is still buried. “The Past is a silent voter in your apparent Present.” Frustrations are gifts to liberate us from the shackles of our past.
9 – Honor your Dreams: Put your “wildest dreams” on the horizon because “Energy follows Attention.” When we dream alone it is just a dream. When we dream together it is the beginning of a new reality. Create a “joint vision” for your relationship. Providence will provide unexpected serendipities and gifts to realize your dreams.
10 – Honor the Silence of the Soul: Take time each day to just look at each other in silence, holding your eye contact softly, holding hands gently, breathing together, and letting yourselves feel that there is “All the Time in the World” just to be together, and that “All is Well.”
Make an appointment with us today, This is much more than couples counselling! . Learn how to be fully alive, fully present with a rich connection with self and your partner, this allows for the richest of human experiences. Learn effective communication skills, and “dissolve” relationship conflict created by affairs, projections, past traumas and attachment difficulties. We belive that the relationship is not broken but is a mirror of what needs to be resolved or dissolved within ourselves and within our relationships. Our relationship coaching approach is based on Imago therapy, encounter centered couples therapy and dynamic psychosocialsomatic psychotherapy. A Tantra coaching session results in re-connection, restores compassion, forgiveness and intimacy, teaches how to make authentic mutual amends, and rebuilds mutual trust for a new future together.

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