The Trauma Recovery Institute

Comprehensive Nutritional Test

The NutrEval (NUT06) is our most comprehensive nutritional assessment, which provides a personal recommendation on a functional need for B vitamins, anti-oxidants and minerals. It also includes Vitamin D and an Essential Fatty Acid analysis. This Test includes The Metabolic Analysis Profile (MET02) is an urinary organic acid test that measures four critical areas of metabolism: gastrointestinal function and dysbiosis markers, cellular and mitochondrial energy metabolites, neurotransmitter metabolites and functionally important organic acid metabolites of amino acids. The Amino Acids Analysis (NUT01) which quantifies levels of amino acids and their metabolites and evaluates essential and non-essential amino acid nutrient status.The Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Analysis (NUT03) and The Nutrient and Toxic Elemental Analysis (NUT10).
As well as the following additional markers:
Vitamin D
Coenzyme Q10
Unlike any other nutritional assessments, NutrEval Plasma® provides a framework of core nutrients in 5 key areas: Antioxidants, B Vitamins, Digestive Support, Essential Fatty Acids, and Minerals. In this test, the Amino Acids are measured from a blood draw of plasma. Book This Test Now 

Code: NUT06 NutrEval® Blood & Urine Sample 

Nutrition From the Inside Out
As an informed patient, you understand that nutrition is important. You know that the foods you eat affect your health. Conversely, the things you do not consume – but perhaps need – may also have a tremendous impact on your body. That’s why many people take vitamins and supplements – to feel better and prevent disease. While this practice can be beneficial, many variables exist. It is important to understand which supplements are right for your body, your lifestyle and your circumstances, thus ensuring your unique needs are met without wasting money on items that could be unnecessary or even harmful.
What Nutritional Imbalances May Affect You?
Amino Acids: Amino acids are integral to healthy body chemistry. They serve as the body’s basic building blocks and are responsible for the production of bone and muscle. When certain amino acids are too high or low, they can cause fatigue, increased cardiovascular risk, and impair mood and cognitive function.
Organic Acids: Organic acid testing is a way to measure whether your body is getting and using nutrients to drive optimal health. Just as your car has additives and devices that protect it, nutrients serve to protect your heart, brain, and other critical organs. Like a car’s gauges warn of potential problems, your body has certain chemical indicators, known as organic acids, that can alert you to potential problems.
Fatty Acids: Fatty acids are essential, however, too little or too much fat can cause health problems. Reduced levels of certain fats can result in depression, hyperactivity, numbness and tingling in the hands and feet, as well as early senility. In addition, pregnant and lactating mothers should have their fatty acids tested to ensure their children receive the fats needed for proper brain and nerve development.
Dietary Minerals: Minerals in our body are regulators of our body’s processes. Many minerals are derived from the diet, and sometimes minerals are added as supplements. Beneficial minerals include magnesium, copper and manganese. If proper amounts are not obtained, problems such as joint pain, weight problems, depressed libido, depression, or anxiety can occur. On the other hand, exposure to mercury, lead, arsenic or other heavy metals can be harmful, causing fatigue, emotional disturbances, even renal failure.
Antioxidants: Antioxidants are protective molecules that reduce free radical damage or oxidative stress. Antioxidants are essential for the body’s ability to protect against free radicals, and for healthy function of the neurological, endocrine, and immune systems. Oxidative stress is linked to premature aging, heart disease, neurological diseases, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Read pdf about Effect Tools for complex Chronic Illnesses.
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Specimen Requirements: 1 yellow-top tube – plasma Amino Acids (frozen); 1 amber tube – plasma (frozen); 1 blue-top Na-Heparin tube – Packed RBCs (refrigerated); 1 red-top neutral tube – serum (frozen); 1 EDTA tube 9mL – whole blood (refrigerated); 1 EDTA tube 4mL – whole blood (refrigerated); 1 blue-top amber tube – FMV urine (frozen); 1 green-top tube – FMV urine (frozen)

Book The Most Comprehensive Nutritional Test Now 

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