The Trauma Recovery Institute

The Ultimate Relationship Program – Enhance Your Relationship Using Secrets From The Love Lab

Join us for the Ultimate Relationship Program and take your relationship to the next level. Our Relationship Coaching sessions teach scientifically validated ways to build intimacy and dissolve conflict through interactive exercises,role-plays, and new communication skills to help deepen your connection with yourself and your partner. In our couples coaching session, you will learn thought-provoking information and research on brain neurobiology that can help increase your understanding of the ultimate relationship method.You will also gain a fresh focus for meeting the challenges in your relationship in an intimate safe setting. Our approach is based on research conducted at the Gottman Institute and the research presented from the new field of interpersonal neurobiology.This Program is delivered to a couple over a 12 week period with 12 weekly sessions in our private clinic space in Dublin 1.
Some of the biggest challenges in relationships come from the fact that most people enter a relationship in order to get something: they’re trying to find someone who’s going to make them feel good. In reality, the only way a relationship will last is if you see your relationship as a place that you go to give, and not a place that you go to take.


“True love begins when nothing is looked for in return.” —Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


The Ultimate Relationship Program – From Crazy Making to Love Making
A passionate, thriving relationship is a beautiful thing that can give you certainty, meaning, and a powerful source of drive. What’s the secret to enjoying the relationship of your dreams? How do you spark passion and love, even in moments of conflict? Your relationship should be your greatest source of pleasure. If you’re struggling with your partner, or would like to take your relationship to the next level, we invite you onto the Ultimate Relationship Program with Embodied Tantra. Check out our approach below and fill in your details, get in touch and book a session with us. When we meet our partners, we make an unconscious contract to help each other resolve emotional injuries of the past , we unconsciously pick or hire the perfect person to trigger this stored painful memory of our past , it is for this exact reason we have come together . Relationships are not a problem to be solved but an adventure to be embraced. Conflict is a gift to be unpacked , to embrace, an opportunity to grow , resolve and mature . Conflict can not be resolved at the level with which it was created. We hire the person in our life who is most compatible to help us resolve what is unresolved from our childhood. Our relationship lives in the space between us and it is sacred . This becomes the playground for our children . When there are only two options , take the third option ! Keep the space between you safe and sacred . Honour the space between you , by visiting the other by crossing the bridge . Cross the bridge with an open mind to learn , with curiosity and compassion , leave behind your hurt and trauma. Crossing the bridge is becoming completely present with your partner, listening without interruption, defensiveness or judgement, holding an unconditional space for your partner to share.

“Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius.”—Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart


Seven Principles for Conscious Relationships:
1. The relationship lives in the space between us.
2. The emotional charged part of your partner is the child in them trying to tell their story , allow each other to tell that story by crossing the bridge.
3. We are energy that can be positive and negative , be aware of this energy by not making the space toxic .
4. When our partners exhibits bewildering behaviour , it is a cry for help from the child within them , the behaviour is a protection , get to know each other’s cry for help .
5. The stretching principle is based on the idea that every frustration in the relationship is a gift to be unpacked. Thank your partner for this opportunity to grow.
6. Release joy into the relationship. Play, joy and fun are all essential agreedients for connection and repairing any disconnection in the relationship, it is also important to direct our passion into the relationship otherwise these passion will be redirected outside the relationship and we will begin to feel the relationship is no longer working.
7. Create a compelling dream together as a couple. Define the relationship, be specic about goals and plans short term and long term. when we are specific we deirect enegry towards attracting and achieving our dreams and goals.

“There isn’t any formula or method. You learn to love by loving.” —Aldous Huxley


The 10 Disciplines of Love :
1.The Discipline of Putting Your Lover First: It’s Not About You! Put your lover’s feelings and needs first. When you are feeling pain you are focused on yourself.
2.The Discipline of Loving No Matter What: The Power of Love, Adoration, & Praise. Withholding your gift is the only source of pain. With real love, you love through pain, joy, fear. Love penetrates all.
3.The Discipline of Being Yourself: Emanate & Express Your Natural Essence & True Core. You can’t align with someone if you’re not being yourself or if you’re trying to be what you think they want. You have to tell the truth! Playing small never serves.
4.The Discipline of Freedom: The Power of Forgiving, Forgetting, & Flooding. Pain can only be found in yesterday’s sorrows or tomorrow’s concerns. Flood yourself now with the beauty and magic of your life!
5.The Discipline of Positive Intent: Eliminate Threats & Judgment & Remember The Power of Language Never make your partner wrong. Know their soul.
6. The Discipline of Daily Intimacy: Full Engagement— Open Your Heart & Hold Nothing Back. Play wildly, courageously, tenderly, and intensely. Fear and hurt imprison the heart. Do the opposite of what they tell you and passion will re-ignite.

7.The Discipline of Polarity: The Power of Dancing Energies Feel, understand, and appreciate what your partner needs and serve them now. Be her mountain. Presence is a state where nothing shakes you. Be his joy. Playfulness is the gift of life. Give your gift.

8.The Discipline of Loving Truth: The Power of Vulnerability Give the gift of heartfelt honesty and commit to expressing it openly in this moment.

9.The Discipline of Utilization: The Power of Higher Meaning & Constant Growth. Find the good and beauty in everything and use it to expand your love.

10.The Discipline of Gratitude & Giving: Appreciation is the Power, Experience life’s greatest blessings now.

Book an appointment with us today,Learn how to be fully alive, fully present with a rich connection with self and your partner, this allows for the richest of human experiences. Learn effective communication skills, and “dissolve” relationship conflict created by affairs, projections, past traumas and attachment difficulties. This is much more than couples counselling. Couples counselling generally is not effective at all as it is based on a premise that there is something wrong in the relationship. We do not see it this way. We belive that the relationship is not broken but is a mirror of what needs to be resolved or dissolved within ourselves and within our relationships. Embodied Tantra is our relationship coaching approach which is based on ancient tantra practise, object relations, encounter centered couples therapy and dynamic psychosocialsomatic psychotherapy. An Embodied Tantra coaching session results in re-connection, restores compassion, forgiveness and intimacy, teaches how to make authentic mutual amends, and rebuilds mutual trust for a new future together.

Seven Relationship Skills :

1.Heartfelt Understanding. When anything is perceived to be more important than your partner, the relationship is not going to go to the ultimate depth of love. Understand and empathize with your partner’s emotional patterns and commit to being there for them.

2.Give Your Partner What They Really Need. As long as you’re focusing on what you’re not getting, you’re never going to be in a place of being a giver, which is what makes a relationship grow. The only love that you get to feel is the love that you give. And the love that you hold back, that’s the love that you’ll never have in your life. What would you give to someone you love? The answer is everything.

3.Create and Build Trust and Respect. Trust begins with commitment to your partner’s needs. Can your partner depend on you to be emotionally available no matter what, even in times of stress and uncertainty? You can’t separate these two, because trust is based on commitment.

4. Reclaim Playfulness, Presence and Passion. Polarity doesnt age, you can spark passion in your lover that has been dormant for years. It can take minutes. What does your partner need? Who are you at your core? How can you express your deepest gift to your partner?

5.Harness Courage and Embrace Honesty. We are all rewarded and discouraged for certain behaviors in our relationships. We all have needs and fears which constrain us from doing and saying everything that we feel. When we don’t express ourselves in the moment, we start to hold back, which leads to less passion. Have the courage to break through constricting beliefs and fears and express yourself with passion.

6.Uncover and Create Alignment. The worst thing on earth is to be in a relationship where you have completely different needs and goals. Your beliefs don’t have to be identical, but they have to lead you in the same direction.
7. Live Consciously: Be an Example. Don’t be your history; don’t just imitate your parent’s examples. Create your own example. The best way to transform your family group is to transform yourself—the change will spread through generations. Do it for yourself and for the others who will learn from you!

The day will come when, after harnessing the winds, the tides and gravitation, we shall harness for God the energies of love. And on that day, for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.” —Teilhard de Chardin

Read article Reignite The Passion

The Next Level – Conscious Relationships & Embodied Tantra
Tantra is a spiritual path for integrating body, mind and soul. It differs from other paths in its honoring of the body, using the senses, sexuality, and feelings to help you evolve spiritually. Tantra assists you in realizing your full potential as a human being. If you choose to live from the Tantric perspective, you will transform your life. You will discover bliss. You may apply Tantric practices and principles to many areas of life – to relationship and sexual loving, spiritual practice and lifestyle, physical and emotional well-being. Red Tantra is the aspect of Tantra that relates to the mastery of sexual skills. White Tantra relates to the yogic or spiritual aspects of Tantric practice and consists of exercises or postures (asanas) combined with special breathing (pranayama), hand or finger gestures (mudras), internal muscular exercises (bhandas), chanting (mantra), and meditation. The skills and benefits of White Tantra practices increase ones ability to master Red (sexual) Tantra. Pink Tantra refers to a heart centered path of tantra that blends many of the elements of White Tantra with some aspects of Red Tantra. Within the path of Pink Tantra, all of the chakras are acknowledged. However, there seems to be an emphasis on the importance of the heart; opening the heart chakra and healing the heart. Compassion, acceptance and forgiveness for others and for our self are central themes to this practice. Pink Tantra teaches us to cultivate love without attachment, ownership or expectation. With Pink Tantra love is seen as the impetus for healing and transformation.


At the Heart of Tantra is Love.
The practices and rituals of Tantra, both spiritual and sexual, work to create the conditions necessary for love to flourish and endure. When we achieve states of presence, energy flow, relaxation, harmony, and connection, love emerges and opens the heart. To bring about the conditions that generate and sustain love, we can learn to rely upon Tantric practices to create more of these positive energy states. Tantra, therefore, is not just something to do in our bedrooms, but rather a complete way of life. Cultivating states of presence, energy flow, relaxation, harmony, and connection is not always easy. A lifetime of hurts and other negative experiences have gradually limited our ability to be present and to express the essence of who we really are, fully and freely. We slowly become cut off from our feelings and the ability to experience our sexual creative energy in a connected, joyful, loving way. In a subtle, gentle, yet powerful way, Tantric loving brings healing. It breaks up and washes away residues of our past that hold us back from limitless love and intimacy. Tantra teaches us not only how to be great lovers, but how to be great healers for one another as well. Tantra represents a unique paradigm for conscious living and loving. It offers a passionate and expansive way of life for those seeking to connect with their sexuality in a positive, heart-centered way, a way that celebrates freedom of spirit and body alike.
Embodied Tantra Coaching with relational psychologist & tantra coach, Darren Maguire.
Embodied Tantra is a unique blend of pink, white and red tantra within a framework of dynamic psychosocialsomatic psychotherapy. This is dynamic experiential work exploring how we show up in relationships, what we bring to relationships, our unconscious patterns, how residual stress and trauma impact our love life and how to create a conscious loving practise. Embodied Tantra is living with an awareness in the moment through the body in an intimate connection with self, others and all that is. This allows you to have more choice, and to access more of what you are capable of, including pleasure, love, Intimacy and healthy attachments. Embodied Tantra is a very powerful , safe, empowering, informative, psychoeducational, psychotherapeutic and liberating journey. Embodied Tantra is suitable for people at all levels including complete beginners of Tantra practise. Embodied Tantra is a dive deeper, where you will learn tools for living intimately, work through any blocks you have to intimacy and is perfect for anybody looking to create a healthy relationship with strong boundaries, communication, intimacy, connection, love, happiness and passionate love making.Embodied tantra is also based on the latest findings from neuroscience and interpersonal neurobiology.
“Tantra is not technique but prayer. Is not head oriented but a relaxation into the heart. Please remember it. Many books have been written onTantra, they all talk about technique but the real Tantra has nothing to do with technique. The real Tantra cannot be written about, the real Tantra has to be imbibed(absorbed). How to imbibe real Tantra? You will have to transform your whole approach.” Osho

Tantra Coaching and Psychotherapy for working with difficulties in Sex, Intimacy and Relationships
Learn how to be fully alive, fully present with a rich connection with self and your partner, this allows for the richest of human experiences. Learn effective communication skills, and “dissolve” relationship problems created by affairs, projections, past traumas and attachment difficulties. We belive that the relationship is not broken but is a mirror of what needs to be resolved within ourselves and within our relationships. Our relationship coaching approach is based on Imago therapy, encounter centered couples therapy and dynamic psychosocialsomatic psychotherapy. A Tantra coaching session results in re-connection, restores compassion, forgiveness and intimacy, teaches how to make authentic mutual amends, and rebuilds mutual trust for a new future together. Our tantra coaching sessions are suitable for single people, individuals from challenging relationships and for couples.
Tantra coaching for working through difficulties with sex, intimacy and relationships, empowering you to thrive in love, sexuality and intimacy. Embodied Tantra is living with an awareness in the moment through the body in an intimate connection with self, others and all that is. This allows you to have more choice, and to access more of what you are capable of, including pleasure, love, Intimacy and healthy attachments. Tantra coaching is safe, empowering, informative, psychoeducational, psychotherapeutic and liberating. Tantra coaching is also an opportunity to work through any blocks you have to intimacy and is perfect for anybody looking to create a healthy relationship with strong boundaries, communication, intimacy, connection, love, happiness and passion. Embodied Tantra Ireland offers tantra coaching sessions for individual and couples. Whether you are married, engaged, beginning a new relationship, or in a committed partnership, you will learn how to become each other’s passionate lover, and how to create a relationship that is safe, erotic,conscious and long lasting. Tantra coaching can teach you skills not only for transforming your marriage/partnership, but also for creating stronger connections with your kids, extended family and colleagues.

Everyone sees the unseen in proportion to the clarity of his heart, and that depends upon how much he has polished it. Whoever has polished it more sees more – more unseen forms become manifest to him. Rumi 



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