The Trauma Recovery Institute

Dance involves the culturally mediated body, emotion, and mind. So do illness and pain. Dance may promote wellness by strengthening the immune system through muscular action and physiological processes. Dance conditions an individual to moderate, eliminate, or avoid tension, chronic fatigue, and other disabling conditions...

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) Otto Kernberg’s description of the pathological narcissistic individual centers around a set of paradoxes: self-inflation existing alongside a limitless need for praise, a charming and engaging surface covering a ruthless interior, and a persona of self-sufficiency defending against underlying feelings of intense...

Trauma Recovery Institute specializes in the treatment of trauma such as complex trauma, sexual trauma and relational trauma including personality disorders. Trauma Recovery Institute is the psychotherapy department of Life Change Health Institute which is a world unique holistic treament centre known for its focus on...