The Trauma Recovery Institute

Transference is ubiquitous in all relationships, successful therapy depends on the ability to both recognize and work with the transference as very often it is the way in which the sexual abuse of the past is communicated in the present when there are no words...

With the latest research in neuroscience from leading neuroscientists such as Daniel Siegel, Bruce Perry and Jaak Panksepp showing us what is happening inside the brain of a patient suffering with sexual addiction or an adult victim of childhood sexual abuse, the groundbreaking work of...

We would like to replace the word “selfish” which is much misunderstood as used in 12 step programs. It conjures up negative ideas- taking without concern for others, synonymous with grasping, greedy and mean. This is not the meaning we wish to convey when we...

In the Ayurvedic healing system, balance is the foundation for health and happiness.  When the physical, intellectual, and spiritual aspects of our nature are working together harmoniously and effectively, we feel joyful and energetic and we are able to engage deeply and passionately in our...

The Power of live foods for healing is being more & more supported by traditional research. Based on recent journal articles the power of a calorie restricted diet (which is still feasting on live foods) and of upgrading gene expression have become keys to understanding...

Live Blood Microscopy, or Analysis, is a superb educational and motivational tool for every person.  Live Blood Analysis is the study of a single drop of blood examined under a microscope, in its living state, in order to determine the general health , vitality and...

Enema is the procedure of introducing liquids into the rectum and colon via the anus for medical reasons, alternative therapies, and also for erotic purposes, but this is not a new procedure. Enemas, also called enematas in their plural form, were formerly known as clysters...