The Trauma Recovery Institute

Group Psychotherapy is a life changing opportunity to work through difficult traumatic events past and present that have been holding you back in Life, Love and Relationships. Adverse childhood experience happens within your primary relationship as a result of poor attachment or lack of attachment....

Although serotonin is well known as a brain neurotransmitter, it is estimated that 90 percent of the body's serotonin is made in the digestive tract. In fact, altered levels of this peripheral serotonin have been linked to diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, cardiovascular disease,...

In effect, when we repress emotions—just as when we are completely at their mercy, such as in moments of untrammeled rage—we are playing havoc with our nervous system, hormonal apparatus, immune system, intestines, heart, and other organs. The result can be chronic or acute illness....

Life Change Health Institute is a world unique holistic treatment centre specialising in mind body medicine. We offer expertise in five main areas of focus which are Trauma Recovery Psychotherapy, Healthy Sexuality, Plant Based Nutrition, Conscious Parenting and Conscious Lifestyle. Our approach to addressing the mind body...