The Trauma Recovery Institute

A thyroid disorder is an autoimmune condition related to the thyroid gland, a small gland that manufactures and stores thyroid hormones. A thyroid disorder impacts the metabolic processes and may be characterized by nervousness or tiredness, weight changes, weak muscles, impaired memory and irregular menstrual...

Personality disorder, as a term, may sound negative and judgmental and it is important to have a clear understanding with our patients of the meaning of the term. We explain that there is a group of disorders in the DSM-V, six of them to be...

Transference-Focused Psychotherapy (TFP) is an evidence-based psychodynamic therapy designed for patients with the type of condition known as personality disorders. Individuals with these conditions may experience depression, anxiety and/or other intense emotions. They may also experience frustration and a lack of fulfillment in personal relationships...

Elemental Analysis nutritional test is for patients suspected of recent toxic element exposure and for evaluation of intracellular mineral nutrient status. This toxic element exposure test measures RBC intracellular concentrations of toxic elements and nutrient elements. The vast majority of chemical reactions governing cellular processes are,...

Vaccines Suppress Immunity, One careful study of illness patterns observed in 82 healthy infants before and after vaccination was published in Clinical Pediatrics (1988). In this study conducted in Israel, researchers compared the incidence of acute illnesses in the 30-day period following DTaP vaccine (against Diphtheria,...

The Amino Acids Analysis nutritional test helps to identify metabolic imbalances underlying many chronic disorders. Specifically, this nutritional test evaluates dietary protein adequacy and assimilation, as well as metabolic imbalances underlying many chronic disorders. With the precise results and comprehensive commentary provided, nutritional deficiencies, metabolic...

The Metabolic Analysis Profile is a nutritional test that assesses urine metabolites in order to evaluate four critical areas of metabolism: gastrointestinal function, cellular and mitochondrial energy production, neurotransmitter processing, and amino acid/organic acid balance as influenced by vitamin/mineral cofactors. Results can be used to...

The NutrEval (NUT06) is our most comprehensive nutritional assessment, which provides a personal recommendation on a functional need for B vitamins, anti-oxidants and minerals. It also includes Vitamin D and an Essential Fatty Acid analysis. This Test includes The Metabolic Analysis Profile (MET02) is an...